Reduce Risk_C

Mitigate security risk

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Keep patient data secure

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Protect your organization

The healthcare industry is a prime target for cybercriminals. Protection requires a proactive approach to healthcare security systems and cyber security management training. Are you prepared?

As you work to upkeep your security awareness policy, your team needs innovative healthcare cyber security education and training to protect your organization’s information from expensive data breaches. Hackers know employees are often the weakest link in the security chain, and they exploit this vulnerability through phishing, ransomware, and other healthcare breach tactics.

Leverage HealthStream’s security awareness education to:

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Identify common security risks

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Keep patient and resident data secure

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Maintain security awareness remotely

The True Cost of Healthcare Cyber Risks

Security experts discuss the true cost of cyber attacks and the importance of investing in education to proactively enhance your defense against threats. Conversation includes recommendations on how to stay ahead of data breaches, phishing attacks, and more.


As a healthcare leader, are you…

  • Concerned about your team’s security habits?
  • Looking for ways to quickly and efficiently equip your team to spot security risks?
  • Worried about when your data will be breached and the associated costs?
  • Unsure about where to start to protect your organization from hackers?

Request a Demo

Learn how HealthStream’s Security Awareness education can protect your organization from security threats.

Request Demo